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 Eat hot pot without fire-- Hot pot equipment||

: eating hot pot in winter is the love of many people, but unfortunately, eating hot pot is easy to get angry: sore throat, hoarseness, oral ulcer, dry lips, red and yellow urine, constipation and other symptoms.
Here, I'd like to introduce some tips on how to eat hot pot without burning. I hope it will be helpful to you. 1. After the hot pot is boiled, add a little beer. The beer is rich in a variety of nutrients, which can not only balance nutrition and taste, but also remove the fire.

2. Eat more vegetables. Vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and chlorophyll, and their properties are mostly cool. They can not only eliminate greasiness and supplement vitamins, but also cool, detoxify and remove fire. However, the vegetables should not be boiled for a long time before they have the effect of fire elimination.
3. Eat a few "jade leaf Qinghuo tablets". The medicine contains precious medicinal materials such as jade leaf, golden flower, Barbus and so on“ "Yuye Qinghuo tablet" is a combination of reducing fire and nourishing Yin, with remarkable curative effect, whether it is the real fire caused by improper diet, over eating fried food, excessive smoking and alcohol.


It also has curative effect on the rise of yin deficiency fire and deficiency fire caused by staying up late, poor rest and irritability. It can be said that "clearing fire on the same day, anti-inflammatory to" is a well-known brand of fire clearing and anti-inflammatory drugs in China. At present, it contains "rhubarb" with other fire clearing drugs, which has drug contraindications.
However, "Yuye Qinghuo tablet" does not contain such medicinal ingredients. There is no contraindication to medication, which not only does not have adverse reactions, but also reduces the pressure on the drug users.


4. Proper amount of tofu. Tofu contains gypsum. Properly putting tofu in hot pot can not only supplement a variety of trace elements, but also play the role of gypsum in clearing heat,

purging fire, removing annoyance and relieving thirst.

5. Eat more fruit. Generally speaking, after eating hot pot for 30 or 40 minutes, you can eat some fruits, such as navel orange, pear and other fruits with the effect of fire. Eating one or two fruits after a meal can make your mouth watery and eliminate the trouble of getting angry at the same time.
联 系 人:邱生;

139-254-33337 在线咨询

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