11年火锅设备订制经验, 总部专线:13925433337 (微信同号)
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Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the food therapy method of "heat is cold". Therefore, it is better to match some cool and sweet vegetables when instant boiled mutton. Vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and chlorophyll, and their properties are mostly cold. They can not only eliminate greasiness and supplement the lack of vitamins in autumn and winter.

It also has the functions of cooling, detoxification and fire elimination, but the vegetables put in should not be boiled for a long time before they have the function of fire elimination. Cool vegetables generally include white gourd, towel gourd, rape, spinach, Chinese cabbage, Flammulina velutipes, mushrooms, lotus root, Zizania latifolia, bamboo shoots, vegetable hearts, etc; Sweet potatoes, potatoes and mushrooms are sweet and flat vegetables.

Stem and leaf vegetables


, such as rape, cabbage and spinach, are generally rich in vitamin C and carotene. The time to rinse is shorter, otherwise the nutrients will be destroyed.
Spinach contains oxalic acid, which will hinder the absorption of calcium and iron in food. Don't rinse it with other food for a long time, just blanch it a little. Root vegetables such as radish,
carrot, taro and potato can be rinsed for a longer time because they are rich in crude fiber and have less nutritional loss.

联 系 人:邱生;

139-254-33337 在线咨询

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